Monday, February 21, 2005


"Print is dead ... get over it"

Those are the words of Sports Illustrated President John Squires, quoted in a Washington Post piece titled "Hard News." The article examines the changing fortunes of newspapers in our information society and is a good read for any journalist.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


RSS for journalists

You might remember my talking about RSS a few classes back -- a way to syndicate blog content. Well, here's a handy primer on RSS for Journalists. Like the recent article I posted on Podcasting, this will give you a quick overview of everything you need to know to impress your friends (and teachers!).


Who moved my syllabus?

In an attempt to gain some much needed control of my various Web projects, I moved the class syllabus yesterday. There have been no changes to it; it's just now in a subfolder. To get to any page, just add MCOM407/ before the page name, as in You can also get to the syllabus from the Course page off

Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused, but I think it will benefit all of us in the long run.

Friday, February 11, 2005


Bloggers in the news

It's been a busy week for bloggers. First, a conservative reporter who asked President Bush a loaded question at a news conference last month resigned yesterday after liberal bloggers uncovered his real name and raised questions about his background.

Closer to home, an aide to Gov. Ehrlich resigned after bloggers connected him to a conservative blog that initiated rumors about an extramarital affair involving Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley--one of Ehrlich's likely opponents in the 2006 elections.

Finally, a reporter for the Durham (N.C.) Herald-Sun was fired in part because of postings on her blog, in which she criticized her place of employment.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


A great introduction to Podcasting

Learn how to add downloadable audio to your blog with this nice overview by Chip Scanlan of the Poynter Institute. Links include tutorials, software to let your computer play blogs, and more.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Good examples of Web design

Anne Van Wagener of the Poynter Institute surfs the Web and turns up some nicely designed sites. Her column is a good overview of sites that offer new ideas about news design and online storytelling, as well as tools to help you become a better designer.

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