Monday, March 07, 2005


Grading the first hypertext assignment

Wondering what I'll be considering when I grade your first hypertext assignment? Here are the guidelines:

1) Does the entire package have a clear theme that is stated clearly in the trunk? This needs to be more than just a topic statement (e.g., "Lint is interesting"). Do all branches support the theme?
2) Is the package based on original reporting?
3) Have you clearly provided the source for all information that you did not uncover through your own interviews? If not, the work is plagiarized.
4) Does the structure of the package make sense?
5) Are there at least two branches?
6) Does the total word count equal at least 1,500 words? If the answer to this or question 3 is "No," you will receive a zero on the assignment.
7) Have the pieces been edited carefully for grammar, spelling and AP style?
8) Do the pieces include a range of diverse sources?
9) Are quotes used effectively?
10) Is it easy to navigate the package? Does every page link to every other page?
11) Above all, does your assignment reflect good storytelling? Is it interesting and interestingly written?

Do all that, and you have an A!

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