Monday, January 29, 2007
Minimester grading scale
The following scale was used for final projects in the Minimester 2007 section of MCOM 407:
Slideshow (20 points)
Text (40 points)
Slideshow (20 points)
- No title page -2 points
- Not at least two minutes long -5 points
- Not at least six original photos -5 points
- Does not tell a story -8 points
- Additional points deducted for typos, no headline, no captions, etc.
Text (40 points)
- Trunk: 10 points for a well-written trunk that incorporates compelling links to all branches
- Branches: 20 points for well-written branches, with the required minimum of 10 sources
- Photos: 6 points for original photos, including thumbnails, large photos and captions on both. Photos must be different from those used in slideshow.
- Links: 4 points for useful links incorporated into branches
- Total text package of 2,501-2,999 words -5 points
- Total text package of 2,001-2,500 words -10 points
- Total text package of 1,501-1,999 words -15 points